Black Talon Northern Guard Southern Milicia Badland
Dark Warrior Hunter Gila Myrmidon
Dark Cheetah Jaguar Jäger Warrior Elite
Dark Jaguar Grizzly Black Mamba Agamemnon
Dark Mamba Cheetah Iguana  
Dark Cobra Kodiak King Cobra  
Dark Kodiak   Spitting Cobra  


The Hunter Heavy Gear has the distinction of being the first exclusively military walker machine on Terra Nova. As such, it is a sturdy, simple machine which enjoyed an enormous popularity in its prime. Hunters were produced by the thousands and found their way into the military forces of practically all nations of the North. The design, slightly modified and renamed Jager, is also found in the armies of the South.


Code Name: Hunter
Production Code: HACS-01MG-MP
Manufacturer: Northco
Use: General Purpose Heavy Gear
Height: 4.3 meters
Full Combat Weight: 6627 kg
Armor Material: Durasheet with Alloy
Average Armor Thickness: 45 mm
Maximum Running Speed: 42 Kph
Maximum Rolling Speed: 72 kph
Powerplant: S-V950A V-engine
Horsepower: 450 Hp


Name Code Fire Arc Qty
M222 Autocannon rifle LAC Forward 1
RP-109 Pepperbox LRP/24 Forward 1
MK IV Grenade Launcher APGL Fixed Forward 1
M-2A Hand Grenade HG Forward 3