Caprician Liberati
Helene del Pulciano will be your contact on Caprice among the Liberati partisans.
Our information on her background is sketchy, although she may have been a rare
member of the Caprician corporate elite who refused to collaborate with the CEF
when they returned to Caprice. Our information, however, places her as being too
young to have been an executive at that time. It is more likely that her family
resisted or that she has rebelled against both her parentage and the CEF.
Military Specialties
Del Pulciano has - as far as we can tell - never received formal military
training. She has been fighting with the Liberati guerrillas for several years,
however, and so has most likely acquired a great deal of field experience. Our
contacts say she is at least competent with walker vehicles and so should be able
to serve with the Black Talon. Del Pulciano's greatest asset for the mission,
however, will be her knowledge of Caprice, the CEF's forces there, and the
Psychological Profile
Any psychological profiling of del Pulciano is extremely tentative, but there is
likely to be some sort of cultural clash between del Pulciano and the Black
Talons pilots. Indeed, they come from different worlds and she may be accustomed
to a certain class of companions. She is also likely very dedicated to her cause,
and all Talon pilots should strive to make clear they are present to assist the
Liberati cause, not to become another invading force.