Mekong Peacekeepers
Morgausa Temple is the latest inheritor of a long family tradition of
distinguished military service, going back to the birth of the Mekong Dominion.
Temple herself, however, has not seen combat as of yet. She signed up for duty as
soon as she could and finished her training mere days before the Peace River
explosion. Since then she has been awaiting an assignment, transferring from unit
to unit. The 1st Black Talon Squadron will be her baptism of fire.
Military Specialties
Sous-Caporal Temple may not have seen combat, but she rates very high on all
training tests. Her piloting skills are excellent and she impressed her academy
teachers enough to earn a recommendation for special operations. Due to her
family background, Morgausa Temple seems to be a natural. Before she signed up,
Temple had begun studies in electronics and mechanics; she completed some of that
training in the Academy. Her technical know-how supplements her combat skills.
Psychological Profile
Temple has great potential, but has yet to be tested under fire. She is all too
aware of this and suffers from an occasionally acute lack of self-confidence.
Surrounded by hardened soldiers, she is anxious to succeed but is unsure how to
do so. She will likely continually look to her commander and squadron-mates for
guidance and orders. Unfortunately, her familyÕs record of service only compounds
the problem; indeed, she follows the Mekong practice of ancestor worship and
fears she isn't worthy of her heritage.