Republican Army
Leo Sobec was once a decorated pilot with the Southern Republic's Iron Defenders
regiment. Now he is prisoner 03-645-62, freshly transferred from Labor Camp 27
near Siwa Oasis. Sobec committed grievous crimes while serving with the Iron
Defenders and was court-martialed. The Southern Republic will say only that he
was involved in the deaths of several fellow soldiers. Sobec underwent
experimentation while at Labor Camp 27, reportedly designed to curb psychotic
tendencies. The results and exact nature of this program are unavailable to us.
SobecÕs inclusion in this mission is due mostly to his piloting skills and the
fact that he is utterly expendable.
Military Specialties
Sobec's military record shows him to be an extremely skilled Gear pilot, able to
face overwhelming odds and succeed. He excels at close combat in and out of a
Gear and rarely leaves an opponent breathing. Incarceration has, if anything,
added to Sobec's effectiveness, apparently killing off any last trace of remorse
he might feel toward his enemies. Missions of total destruction or assassination
are his specialty.
Psychological Profile
Sobec is a potential time-bomb waiting to explode. He refuses to socialize with
his squadron-mates and generally remains cold and almost unemotional. In the
field, he attacks enemies (real or simulated) with a zeal that borders on
insanity. Sobec is in enough control to channel his raging hatred toward
designated enemies, but he should be watched with the utmost attention.